There's water and water

Water is unquestionably the best drink for man
But I must warn you that tap water is not what I recommend you drink. I find it outrageous, but in tap water, you can find, among other things, nitrites and aluminum.
So, what water should you drink?
Osmosis tap water that had been remineralized? Yes, this is the best option, but it requires installation and regular filter replacement. It costs at least 700 EUR/USD, unless you install it yourself, which can be more or less easy depending on the configuration of your sink and your DIY skills.
Tap water filtered by a gravity filter system, such as Berkey, Berkefeld, etc.? Yes, this is my second-best option, but you have to be careful about hygiene, and regularly clean the tanks with vinegar or lemon.
Water bottles? This is my third-best option, but it's not environmentally friendly, unless you can take advantage of a system for filling and reusing glass bottles. When it comes to bottled waters, it's important to underline that they vary in composition and may also contain undesirable substances. Check the labels and beware that mineral-rich waters can cause digestive problems, and calcium-rich waters can cause kidney stones.
Sparkling water bottles? Why not? It contains bicarbonate, which is alkalinizing and therefore useful for people suffering from gastric acidity and for athletes. However, it can cause bloating and is often too high in minerals for everyday use.
Brita and other filter jugs? No, I'm not convinced. The contaminants that accumulate in the filter are released when it reaches saturation, which can happen faster than expected and is difficult to detect. Analyses have shown that they are also breeding grounds for bacteria.
How much water should you drink a day? Well, an adult expels around 2.5 liters of water a day (about 0.5 liters through breathing, 1 liter through perspiration and the rest through urine). So, you need to take in the same amount of water, which on average comes to around 1 liter from food and 1.5 liters from drink. It all depends on what you eat: a diet rich in vegetables provides more water than a diet containing little. What's certain is that three-quarters of us don't absorb enough water and are therefore more or less slightly dehydrated, which is not conducive to the proper functioning of our body.
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On drinks:
Water glass picture by engin akyurt